Saturday, November 06, 2010

Costa Rica Update

The weather has been terrible in Costa Rica. We are in New Orleans so got the most specific updates from friends who wrote:

Luisa Hughes from El Rodeo wrote, "Our roads have collapsed several times in Rodeo, schools were out for the entire Central valley for 2 days and today one big hill just collapses in Rodeo so we are stuck one more time. The area by the river in Ciudad Colon just got evacuated last night and Escazu has received the most damage about 30 people dead."

Margaret Flaum wrote: "Quepos is cut off. So is Londres where the farms are. No electric, water or food in stores. Raymond, an old friend and old guy, asked our friends Howard and Carolyn what they used to do when we got a temporal. Howard said we partied until the sun came out. We were much younger. Parrita is being evacuated. Those palm oil plantations are flooded and so is the road. Aserri's mountain has collapsed taking 25 houses but the people got out due to quick thinking by the old guy on the mountain top who heard the midnight rumbling. Still looking for bodies at Pico Blanco. Brian is collecting old clothes at the shop."

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