Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Gerry makes Jambalaya for Thanksgiving.  His first attempt using John Besh's recipe.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope you spent the day with family or friends, or at least with your dogs, celebrating all that we have to be thankful for.  All around us we face threats and problems.  So, it’s important on this day – and perhaps everyday – to look at what we have, with gratitude and humility, and to celebrate joyfully.  Sometimes, feeling this joy amongst friends, we have sudden bursts of inspiration.  Suddenly, we don’t have a problem – we have an opportunity! 

Second-Line Buddhist style in New Orleans
What a different world.  I took this shot several days ago, while sitting rather glumly in our apartment in New Orleans.  Suddenly, I heard the jazzy sound of a Second-Line Parade!  I rushed to the window and saw that it was the annual Hara Krishna Second-Line.  I got this picture but, unfortunately, missed the musicians and the crowd in front.  However, you get to see the float with the maestros sitting there being pulled by some of their acolytes…

Happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are today!

1 comment:

Susan Sykes said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sis. Half the day went by before I realized it was a holiday. No family, No friends, Just Billy and I. Thankful for a nice quiet night.